When attempting to start a weight training diet, there are some valuable things that need you should be informed of before you begin. There are plenty of people that workout who do not really understand the whole concept of muscle building. They believe that it is all about eating whatever you want, whenever you want. Unfortunately, without the right weight training diet, you are very unlikely to come out with your desired results.
In order to prevent further frustration and confusion, there are some helpful suggestions that you need to abide by when working out and choosing the right foods for maximum muscle building. Obviously, the most essential source of food to include in your weight training diet is protein. Protein is the basis of all muscle. Without an adequate source of protein, there is really not that much of a chance for muscle growth.
The first suggestion is that you consume the same grams of protein in your weight training diet as the amount of pounds that you weigh. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should consume 180 grams of protein per day for maximum growth - no more, and no less. You may even want to consider eating a good bit of those grams of protein directly after you work out.
The next suggestion for your weight training diet is to make sure that your sources of protein are mostly lean. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a good old fashioned fast food cheeseburger every now and then, but the whole point of muscle building is to stay healthy and get bigger muscles, without excess fat. Too much fat causes your muscles to disappear. They are still there, it is just that they aren't visible.
That is exactly where a lot of bodybuilders go wrong. They think that since they are trying to build muscle that it is okay to have a red meat feast loaded with unhealthy carbohydrates at every meal. It is definitely not okay, at least, not in excess. Try consuming more white meat chicken, fish, salmon, nuts, and eggs in your weight training diet. Eat a serving or two at every meal to ensure that your muscles are getting the foundation of what they need the most - healthy protein.
The last suggestion for your weight training diet is consume a good source of carbohydrates and protein directly before and after your workouts. These meals are called the pre-workout and post-workout meals. They are the two most important meals of the day. You may want to consider allowing them to be breakfast and lunch, which is around the time of the day that the body has been known to be the most energetic and focused.
It is especially important to have a pre-workout meal included in your weight training diet regimen so that your body does not reach to it's existing muscle for fuel. Working out on an empty stomach promotes weight loss, not weight gain. Weight loss can be great for some people, but when it comes to muscle building, not so much. The energy that you obtain from your pre-workout meal will be your body's main energy source during the workout. Be sure not to workout over 30 minutes each session, because that is when the body has been totally depleted. No matter where you are in your workout, it would be wise to eat some protein. It doesn't matter if it is in the form of a protein bar, shake, or bowl of eggs. Just make sure that it is healthy, and that you get to it fast before your body begins feeding off of it's own muscle for fuel.
As you can see, a weight training diet is one of the most important aspects of a workout regimen. More great things to include in your weight training diet are green leafy vegetables, lots of water, and fruit. For best results, be sure to consume all three along with a source of protein at every meal. You will find that gaining muscle weight is simple and very obtainable.
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